Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Renejuste Law & Associates - General Law Practice Law Firm in Fort Myers...


Anonymous said...

This place is a joke! She doesn't call you back sometimes her staff, will lie and say she is not in. Yeah she is known in the judicial system the other attorneys refer to her court cases as a circus and if they are free while she has a hearing they come to watch and laugh. Vana is afraid of the judges she will not speak up on your behalf. Use a public defender save your money. Instead of helping me I got more time. Just because she offered a easy payment plan I used her. She is a terrible attorney she is a joke if you use her you might as well bury yourself under the jail

Anonymous said...

I total agree with everything you said. The samething happen to me with my case. She is all about money. When the money runs out the service stops. She and her staff are unprofessional. This place is a joke .SAVE YOUR MONEY PLEASE.

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